Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Assassination of President Kennedy

On this 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy, it is possible that the true story will soon be understood. It has taken fifty years, but thanks to the indefatigable efforts of a small number of freelance journalists and authors, a clear picture is emerging which is even uglier than conspiracy theorists first imagined. Print, video and blog media have been busy at work, and much can be found to enlighten and confuse.

The short version is this: Conspiracy is no longer crazy theory. It is certain, albeit convoluted. The frontal shot from the grassy knoll is indisputable evidence supporting triangulated gunfire. 
Still photo from Zapruder film showing right frontal impact of bullet
One man, James Files, has come forward as the Mafia hit man behind the fence on the knoll who fired the right frontal shot that spewed blood and brain matter out of the back of JFK’s head onto witnesses who have testified being hit by same. Of course there are those who dismiss James Files’s videotaped confession as unreliable, but his story is worth considering seriously. See for yourself by starting with Hillel Levin’s 2011 article in Playboy entitled How the Outfit Killed JFK and Files’s confession on video (2 URLs:

Who actually killed JFK is one question. Who organized the assassination is more complicated. The most startling evidence, however, is that which implicates Lyndon Johnson as the person who ordered the assassination. The nine part video series The Men Who Killed Kennedy has aired over the last decade on the History Channel, but after the airing of the ninth episode which focused on LBJ’s role in the murder, law suits from LBJ supporters forced the series off the networks. Episodes can still be viewed on youtube. The first six episodes covered material used in Oliver Stone’s film JFK, but episodes 7,8, and 9 shed important new light on the case, especially the LBJ connection in episode 9, entitled The Guilty Men.

Most recently, Roger Stone’s anticipated book The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ could turn out to be the analysis that undoes the Warren Report. It is not a certainty, though, because a government-orchestrated cover-up continues to be robust. Materials that were released piecemeal over the years had much edited out with black marker.  Supposedly all remaining evidence will be released either in 2017 or 2029 depending on whom you read. Either way, full truth requires transparency with access to all evidence, and it is already too late for that.  

In a recent op-ed in the LA Times, Richard M. Mosk, former staff member of the Warren Commission, finished his piece with “I hope on this 50th anniversary the public will be skeptical of new criticism of the commission and be more doubtful of the new conspiracy theories than of the Warren Commission.” Who would use such language without an agenda?  It is hardly a truth-seeking statement. The Warren Report had trouble from the start and has lost credibility gradually over the years as courageous individuals have slowly come forward to make statements. A better hope to have is complete transparency from the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, and other government bodies involved so that the truth about JFK’s murder, ugly or not, coup d’etat or not, becomes known and we can start the process of healing this long-standing national wound.

 Best regards,