Friday, August 16, 2019


R(US)SIA is all over US.

Whom can we blame for the Russian hacking? Russians? Do a majority of Russians support the hacking, cheating and disruption of U.S. elections? Do they even think about it? Maybe it’s too broad, like saying that all Americans are in favor of grabbing ‘em by the pussy and telling Whitehouse staff members to lie under oath.

I sometimes wish I were Russian so I wouldn’t hate them so much for the meddling etc. I mean, they are a magnificent people. How can I hate a people who gave us Rachmaninoff and Stravinsky? Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy? How can we hate the country that, according to current historical thinking, had a larger role in overthrowing Hitler’s Germany than the allies did? Russians are a strong and creative people. 

But then there were the genocidal pogroms to rid the country of its Jews in the 19thcentury and beyond. And Stalin’s murder of millions. And after the USSR fell, the oligarchs who threw their own people under the bus to become hugely rich through inside deals (and worse) in the name of capitalism. 

Can we lay the blame for hacking on the oligarchs and their ilk? If so, it would be perfectly fine to categorically hate those guys. But if so, Americans should be just as hateful of the titans of Wall Street who consistently swindle the American people for their own gain (2008 crash, anyone?). It would be no surprise for a president who cuts taxes for the most obscenely rich Americans to be in cahoots with the Russian hacking scheme that helps him get elected. Bernie Sanders has always warned that oligarchy is the primary threat we all should be worrying about. 

This is so massive in scope, it is hard to imaging reining it in, much less exposing it. We can't even get Donald's tax returns! It’s larger than the JFK assassination coverup that still no one has genuinely and successfully exposed. It is so large it makes cuddling up to Kim Jong-un seem like a mere indiscretion. Perhaps oligarchs in North Korea are not that far fetched. Perhaps Trump Tower in Pyongyang is moving forward?

Aug 16, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019


The headline might read:

In third term, Trump to replace bust of Putin with bust of himself.

The bust that replaced Churchill:

The bust that will replace Putin:


The headline might read:

In second term, Trump to replace bust of Churchill with bust of Putin.

Lip service:

Hero worship:

Sunday, March 10, 2019


Trump doesn't even need a Goebbles propaganda minister. He's his own propaganda minister. In lock-step with Fox News, he does it all, and Americans are buying it! The Donald and Adolf....sad, sad, sad.